Tim & Colt 1998
 Tim at camera shop
 Tim's Farmhouse 1998

Tim & Billy Jean

24" x 20" poloroid 1981
In 1981 my older brother Tim suffered a massive
head injury in a car accident. He was with four friends when the
driver, fumbling for a cassette tape, hit a bridge railing. The car was
impaled, and the railing impaled my brother, who was the only one
injured in the crash. He was 22 years old. The injuries to his head
were so vast, that neurosurgeons had to remove almost half of his
left-brain. They weren't very optimistic about the quality of life.

For the next 23
years, Tim loved and laughed, leaving the doctors baffled and
impressed. After several reconstructive surgeries and years of
debilitating effects, Tim moved back to the Iowa home we grew up in,
and was cared for by my amazing parents.

Tim perpetually inspires my life and art. He was a
born creator and became an artist loaded with innovation and charisma.
He was earning a master's degree at Cal Arts when the accident
occurred. The reproductions of Tim's work before his head injuries
illustrate his promising career.
The trauma to his left brain devastated many of the
motor activities to his right side, but Tim triumphed, continuing to
make art using his left hand.
Tim After Work 1980
Steve & Tim 2002
Dan, Tim & Betty
Rose 2002
Installation, CA 1981
Orange Hares, CA 1981
Installation, CA 1981
Green Poodles, IA 1980

Note to Steve, 1999